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Diva Steam Wellness Spa is an herbal healing spa by way of Vaginal Steaming

(Yoni Steaming)


Vaginal Steaming is an ancient old practice that is used as an herbal remedy to cleanse the vaginal canal


Why Should I Steam?



 Reduces Anxiety & Stress

Maintains a Balance vaginal pH

Decreases the discomfort of Uterine Fibroids

Reduce Heavy Menstrual Cycles

Reduce Menstrual Pains

Increases Fertility

Increase Vaginal Secretion

 Balance Hormones (Menopause)

Reduce Chronic Bacterial Infections 

and so much More!

Diva Steam Also offers Herbal Teas & More 

 Our "Immune Booster Tea" Is a must have To fight against the Cold/Flu Season.

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